Cranial therapy for babies and infants
To understand how cranial therapy can have a positive influence on the health and well-being of babies and infants, it is important to understand the early experiences that can effect them in a negative way. From the moment of conception, a human being is affecting by not only their genetic heritage, but also by the environment in which they are exposed to and have to develop and adapt within. The first major stage of our development is from conception to birth: spanning the first, second and third trimesters, is a hugely influential time in our lives; as is the birth experience itself and the initial hours, days and weeks that follow.
From conception to birth
The following emotional stresses of the mother and father have a significant influence of a child's initial experience of life from the time of conception to birth:
- undue anxiety for the health of the baby
- moving house
- renovations to the house
- bereavement
- relationship difficulties
- financial difficulties
These stressors listed above can have the following effects on a child:
- a baby that displays over sensitivity to noise and light
- an anxious baby
- a clingy baby
- a baby that is more prone to colic
- a baby can show intolerance to the specific type of stress the mother eperienced
- sleep difficulties and sleep disturbances
From birth onwards
The following factors also have important influences on the newborn baby:
- whether the baby was premature or overdue
- the type of delivery: planned or emergency C-section, natural, forceps, ventouse
- duration of labour
- birth presentation: cephalic, breech, compound
- medications used during labour: epidural, pethidine, gels etc
Cranial therapy can be hugely beneficial in optimising the efficiency of the craniosacral system and releasing the myo-fascial restrictions that can be present after the birth process. Cranial therapy can help release the traumas of the birth process itself and it can have exceptionally beneficial effects on the physiology and psychology of the baby, allowing them to experience the health and well-being that they truly deserve.